Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Game Warden Files--Deja Vu All Over Again

Yeah, I know, that's not an original title, but it will have to do for now.
One of the great things about my history as an EnCon Officer is the tradition of inviting the "old guys," the retirees, to a regional meeting once every year--sometimes even twice.The current sector officers will pick up the retired guys living in their sectors and drive them to the meeting. It's a good time of the old mingling with the new.
This morning I was picked up by two of the local guys and off we went. The ride was an hour and a half of laughter over cases handled, arrests made, bad guys humbled. That's the way it should be, the way it's been for years.
My years with DEC were largely great times; however there were tough times--lean years of running old vehicles held together more by the determination of a few good mechanics than any real structure. Been there and done that before--sorry to see that those times have returned. There were years of having no equipment, then things changed and we had enough to go around. When I retired, the equipment situation was pretty good; but now it's back to the old ways: officers without equipment to do the job. A sad thing to see, especially having lived through it and recalling how we often were hampered by the same problems.
The good thing is that despite all the things that hamper the work, the officers are, by and large, working hard and accomplishing the mission of the agency.
It was good to reconnect with the guys I'd worked with--especially those also now retired--and laugh over the old cases, the old bosses, and catch up on the kids and grandkids that have come along since the last time we'd spoken.
We tell each other "we need to do this more often" even thought we know we won't see each other until next year, but that's the nature of the beast. After lunch, the meeting is over and we head back to our homes.
See ya' next year guys!

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